On-Site Accident Prevention & Loss Control Services
With medical costs and compensation amounts both increasing it is important for organizations to be both proactive in preventing workplace accidents and prepared to efficiently handle claims in the event of an accident. When an accident happens the action (or inaction) of employees and managers can have a major impact on how easy (or complex) the claim is to resolve.
It is important that each employer develops a Post Accident Response Program that allows immediate reporting of a workplace accident and facilitates rapid Return to Work.
Each industry has different areas of increased risk and our experience enables us to accurately identify the unique risks within your organization. SAFE, LLC will create an Accident Prevention Program tailored to your organization’s needs. Your hands-on, customized Accident Prevention Program will be specific to your organization’s loss sources, reducing the frequency and severity of employee injuries.
Our Accident Prevention Staff use an implementation versus consultation approach with our clients. Not only do we help you identify your high risk areas and offer solutions to eliminate them, we provide you with the tools, guidance and assistance necessary to implement those solutions.
How does SAFE Limit Your Losses?
Our Employee Accident and Investigation Training prepares employees and managers in how to perform an Accident Investigation, interview witnesses, and promptly create an accurate report.
Our Supervisor Accountability program addresses multiple areas of your prevention program to build a strong accountability system. From review of trending areas within your organization, key points of prevention with delineated roles that all staff levels play in the foundation and success in prevention initiatives, to training on thorough and effective post-accident response processes.
Our Return to Work training and related materials address every aspect of a successful program that we can prove complements comprehensive success within your organization.
Other programs include…
- SAFE Patient Handling Programs for Healthcare Organizations
- OSHA Review and Compliance
- Code Rule 59 Inspections
- Code Rule 60 Programs which qualify employers for workers’ compensation premium discounts
- Multiple additional programs upon request